
Another year has come and gone, and we wonder about what is forthcoming as citizens of a highly connected and digitized world.   In a society where everything can change in the blink of an eye, we list down what we think are most likely to happen in the next dozen months.

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LTE Dominance

4G LTE is big in the Philippines and it is no longer just available in key urban centers. Far flung regions have also began enjoying this high speed mobile technology thanks to efforts of telcos such as PLDT’s wireless unit Smart. Smart’s use of its recently tapped 700MHz will allow for wider range of LTE signal reach and stronger indoor penetration, making mobile experience much better than the current 3G standards.


With demand at an all-time high, expect more compatible phones, faster speeds, and better coverage. To be able to ride on to this LTE-wave, make sure you’re on an LTE phone – even better if it’s 700MHz-compatible.


Fiber on a Budget


Just like its nutritious namesake, Fiber is the best when it comes to ensuring a smooth and zippy internet experience. In recent years it has become more affordable and more reliable at that—it shouldn’t come as a surprise if it comes out with an even more affordable offering soon.


Moreover, in 2017, we’re expecting fiber internet experience to be deployed rapidly. PLDT recently announced that it’s starting to roll out “fiber-fast broadband on regular phone lines” through technologies called GiGa Wire and Over 500 buildings and residences are expected to be fiber-boosted soon.


Watch Stars or Be The Star

With both LTE and Fiber gaining widespread popularity, the rise of on-demand Live video services will undoubtedly follow suit. Fast connectivity is key for creating and consuming video content. It is also integral in making broadcasting features such as Facebook Live a hassle-free experience, continuously evolving how we send and receive live reports and updates.




Tap-to-go cashless payments will become the norm. We’ve already seen the contactless devices and tap cards make transportation less stressful, and in 2017 it will become more versatile than ever. In fact it can already be used in popular convenience store chains.


Cashless Online Shopping


Many have already seen the online shopping revolution take shape, but it’s still not as cashless as it should be. A number still prefer the Cash-On-Delivery (COD) payment method over more modern and convenient means. The good news, online payment will continue to be more flexible and convenient, with the rise of virtual payment cards and accounts. With the increasing acceptance of these channels, no need for everyone to own a credit card to purchase goods and services from websites and apps.


IoT for Pinoys


Internet of Things or IoT offerings for Filipinos will come into fruition. Unlike the ones available in more progressive countries, the localized version of IoT will cater to the Pinoys’ needs—perhaps a flood monitoring tool, door sensors, or even a real-time electricity consumption meter. All of these special functions can be monitored via an easy-to-use mobile app.


3D Printing for All


Designing your own scale models will further spur creativity to an already creative nation. 3D printing can create a new breed of digital Filipino sculptors that can take the world by storm. Local manufacturing, too, can benefit from this technology as it will allow them to create prototypes quickly and at significantly lower cost.
