Services: Public Relations

Public Relations
We tell your story
There is always a story behind every company, every service, and every brand. Telling that story needs to be accompanied with the right strategy, proper tools, and should mapped for the right audience and at the proper time to ultimately get that message across effectively.
The creative and dynamic team of Dominguez Marketing can help set the stage for your prominence by carefully drafting a sensible, extensive and timely public relations strategy that is most suited for your requirements. Our Team is highly equipped with key expertise and backed up with 20 years of experience that will help the company tell their compelling story in the way it should be told: Compellingly, consistently and creatively.
20 years in the business has honed the Public Relations team with a clear set of values and shows its mettle in these key disciplines:
Strategic PR and Communications Consultancy
Specific methods for your specific goals
The team’s combined experience and expertise gives us the ability to see the bigger picture. Our extensive knowledge in the field enables us to quickly identify, develop, map out and tailor-fit the PR strategy, what tools to be used, the proper timing for deployment, for the right stakeholders.
Media Campaign
Our 20 years in the industry has enabled us to form and develop high-value networks in different verticals. Our team has been handling comprehensive, innovative and fair media campaigns in the technology, enterprise, and lifestyle beats; by engaging print, broadcast and online media, including the blogger community. We can advise you on:
- Which medium (or media combinations) to use — television, radio, broadsheets, print and digital magazines, web series, blogs, online columns
- When and how to maximize your selected media platform(s)
- How to craft a message fit for each media platform — and formulate a seamless and sustainable overall effort
- Who to target for valuable, timely, and informative media coverage
- The ways to formulate a seamless and concerted promotional effort using these media.
CEO Positioning
Developing thought leaders in their own respective industries take skills and extensive know-how. Helping CEOs become trendsetters and role models entail focused efforts from those who take action backstage.
Our team use different combinations of public relations elements and acceptable industry practices to help position the CEO at the very top, where he or she belongs; as well as emphasize The Boss’ approachable and down-to-earth side, giving businesses a dynamic and fully relatable human representative.
Over the years, our work with the local offices of companies like Autodesk, Dell, EMC, HP, and Jabra, among many others, that has resulted in positive reputations not just for these firms, but also for the people at the helm.
Our creativity and our resourcefulness allow us to drum up publicity that works for your company and your target audience. Whether it’s something as simple as a one-on-one interview, to big press conferences and product launches, we turn humdrum “vanilla” scenarios” into positive and exciting publicity campaigns that set the bar, dominate conversations, and convert attention to sales.
Press Conferences
This is a vital element of your customized strategy, and one that brings several PR and marketing disciplines together.
Press conferences can be as small or as big as you want, depending on your strategy and campaign. They can be used to address issues and crises, introduce an integral member of your team, and generate publicity that will need to be monitored and given corresponding values. They can also be the main promotional vehicle for your new organizational division, product or service. They help you with media relations, and may or may not require spokesperson training beforehand. And after the main press conference, you could accommodate journalists’ requests for a more private discussion.
One-on-One Interview
One-on-one interviews shouldn’t be a daunting task. Truth is that they actually make things easier for both your company and your audience. These interviews help journalists and writers go into specifics about you and your company, and make the story whole and more interesting. They ideally offer a wealth of information, put remaining questions to rest, and present the interviewee’s more casual and outgoing side. These conversations can also be utilized to showcase game-changing ideas and concepts. With our extensive network of esteemed journalists, we can help connect you for in-depth articles, profile pieces, and balanced coverage.
Spokesperson Training
No one has the ability to perfectly represent another person or organization right off the bat. Being the “face” of a company calls for good communication skills, a wide vocabulary, quick and analytical thinking, a convincing or persuasive manner, consistency, and loads of confidence.
Any or all of these characteristics may take a hit when the designated spokesperson is under duress, facing a less-than-receptive media or audience, or is unprepared for a sudden turn of events. We at Dominguez Marketing Communications Inc. don’t just help you create your overall message and strategy; we can also assist you in the many ways to deliver that message as intended, teach you how to avoid “curveballs”, deflect undesired questions, and help you become more at ease in your very public role.
Internal Communication
We are a public relations, marketing and communications firm that practices what we preach. We make it a point to have open communication lines inside and outside our company at all times, and it is one of our top goals to help our clients work as well from the inside as they do in the public eye.
Publicity Monitoring and Valuation
The invites, requests and teasers/promo materials have been sent out. The CEO or spokesperson has said his or her piece. The press conference has wrapped up. The media have filed their stories. The PR strategy has been done according to plan. Our job’s done, right?
This last stage is where we both see where our combined efforts have paid off, and where it has not. How many media organizations ran stories on you, the company and/or the campaign? How many read or saw it? How many comments or how much feedback did it get from the readers or viewers? Are those stories of high quality or not? How many stories are there, how many impressions were made, and how much value does all of these measurements have? Did it translate into additional sales and brand/advocacy awareness? These are questions we regularly provide positive answers to, allowing us to renew our relationships with our longtime clients year after year — and start new and promising ones, too.