A top PR agency in the Philippines

A public relations agency that has cultivated an esteemed reputation as one of the leading and most respected firms in the industry.
There is always a story behind every company, every service, and every brand.  Telling that story needs to be accompanied with the right strategy, proper tools, and should mapped for the right audience and at the proper time to ultimately get that message across effectively.

The creative and dynamic team of Dominguez Marketing can help set the stage for your prominence by carefully drafting a sensible, extensive and timely public relations strategy that is most suited for your requirements. Our Team is highly equipped with key expertise and backed up with 20 years of experience  that will help the company tell their compelling story in the way it should be told: compellingly, consistently and creatively.

22 years in the business has honed the public relations team with a clear set of values and shows its mettle in these key disciplines:

Specific methods for your specific goals

In the rapidly evolving landscape of public relations, achieving your specific goals requires a nuanced, strategic approach. At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., our team’s combined experience and expertise empower us to deliver bespoke solutions tailored to your unique needs. We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work in PR, and that’s why we emphasize creating customized strategies that align with your objectives.

Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive knowledge across various industries. This diverse experience allows us to see the bigger picture and approach challenges from multiple angles. Understanding the broader context of your business and industry is crucial for developing effective Public Relations strategies. By taking a holistic view, we can identify opportunities and potential pitfalls that may not be immediately apparent.

Our expertise spans the full spectrum of public relations and communications. From media relations and crisis management to digital PR and influencer partnerships, we have the skills and knowledge to handle all aspects of your PR needs. This extensive knowledge base enables us to quickly identify the right strategy for your business. We stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in the field, ensuring that our strategies are always current and effective.

The first step in our process is a thorough analysis of your current PR efforts and overall business goals. We conduct a comprehensive audit to understand where you stand and what you want to achieve. This involves reviewing your existing communications, media coverage, and stakeholder perceptions. With this information, we can identify gaps and opportunities, allowing us to develop a strategy that is precisely tailored to your needs.

Once we have a clear understanding of your goals and current situation, we move on to developing a bespoke PR strategy. This strategy is not just about what we will do, but also how and when we will do it. We believe that the timing and execution of PR activities are as important as the activities themselves. Our strategies are designed to be flexible and adaptable, allowing us to respond quickly to changing circumstances and emerging opportunities.

In the dynamic field of media campaigns, getting the message across effectively is crucial. With over 20 years of experience, Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc. has developed high-value networks across various verticals. Our team excels in handling comprehensive, innovative, and balanced media campaigns in technology, enterprise, and lifestyle sectors. We engage with print, broadcast, and online media, including the blogger community, to ensure your message reaches the right audience.

We provide expert advice on selecting the appropriate medium or media combinations for your campaign, whether it be television, radio, broadsheets, print and digital magazines, web series, blogs, or online columns. Our expertise helps you determine the best time and method to maximize the impact of your chosen media platforms.

Crafting a message tailored to each media platform is essential for effective communication. We assist in developing messages that resonate with each platform’s audience while ensuring a seamless and sustainable overall campaign effort. Identifying the right targets for valuable, timely, and informative media coverage is another critical aspect of our service. We leverage our extensive networks and industry knowledge to pinpoint the most influential media outlets and individuals.

We guide you in formulating a coordinated promotional effort across various media. Our strategies ensure that your media campaign is not only impactful but also coherent and consistent across all channels. By integrating these elements, Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc. ensures your message is effectively communicated, driving your campaign’s success.

Developing thought leaders within their respective industries requires skill and extensive know-how. At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we specialize in CEO positioning, helping top executives become trendsetters and role models through focused efforts and strategic action. Our team works diligently behind the scenes, using a combination of public relations elements and industry best practices to elevate CEOs to their rightful positions at the top.

We understand that effective CEO positioning involves not only showcasing leadership qualities but also emphasizing the CEO’s approachable and relatable side. This dual approach ensures that businesses have a dynamic, human representative who resonates with a broad audience. By highlighting both the professional acumen and the personable traits of the CEO, we create a well-rounded and compelling image that enhances the overall reputation of the company.

Our extensive experience includes working with local offices of prominent companies such as Autodesk, Dell, EMC, HP, and Jabra, among many others. These collaborations have resulted in positive reputations not just for the firms, but also for the leaders at their helm. Through strategic media engagements, thought leadership content, public appearances, and tailored messaging, we help CEOs build and maintain a strong, influential presence in their industries.

The process begins with a thorough understanding of the CEO’s strengths, vision, and personality. We then craft a customized strategy that leverages these attributes, using a mix of traditional and digital public relations tactics to reach the desired audience. This may include media interviews, keynote speeches, bylined articles, social media engagement, and participation in industry events.

By positioning the CEO as both a thought leader and a relatable figure, we help drive the company’s narrative forward, fostering trust and admiration among stakeholders. Our goal is to ensure that the CEO not only stands out as an industry leader but also connects on a personal level with employees, partners, and customers. This comprehensive approach to CEO positioning solidifies the leader’s role as the face of the company, enhancing the overall brand reputation and paving the way for sustained success.

At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we excel in making things interesting through effective publicity. Our creativity and resourcefulness enable us to generate publicity that resonates with your company and target audience. Whether it’s a simple one-on-one interview or a grand press conference and product launch, we transform ordinary scenarios into dynamic public relations campaigns that capture attention and drive engagement.

We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, getting noticed requires more than just traditional methods. That’s why we infuse our campaigns with innovative ideas and fresh perspectives. Our team is adept at identifying unique angles and crafting compelling narratives that make your brand stand out. By turning humdrum “vanilla” situations into exciting opportunities, we create buzz and generate positive media coverage that sets the bar in your industry.

Our approach to publicity is holistic and tailored to your specific needs. We begin by understanding your objectives and target audience, ensuring that every campaign is strategically aligned with your business goals. From there, we develop a comprehensive plan that includes media outreach, event planning, content creation, and social media engagement. Our goal is to create a cohesive and impactful campaign that not only captures media attention but also resonates with your audience.

One of our key strengths is our ability to dominate conversations and keep your brand at the forefront of industry discussions. We achieve this by leveraging our extensive media network and utilizing multiple channels to disseminate your message. Whether it’s through print, broadcast, or online media, we ensure that your story reaches the right people at the right time.

Moreover, we believe that successful publicity should ultimately convert attention into tangible results. That’s why our campaigns are designed to drive action and deliver measurable outcomes. By generating interest and excitement around your brand, we help you build a strong market presence, increase brand awareness, and boost sales.

Our publicity services are all about making things interesting and impactful. With our creative approach and strategic execution, we help your company stand out in a crowded marketplace, dominate conversations, and achieve your business objectives. Whether it’s through intimate interviews or large-scale events, we ensure that your brand gets the attention it deserves and converts that attention into meaningful results.

Press conferences are a crucial element of your customized public relations strategy, bringing together various PR and marketing disciplines to create a cohesive and impactful event. At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we understand the importance of executing press conferences that align with your strategic goals and effectively communicate your message.

Press conferences can vary in scale, from small, intimate gatherings to large, high-profile events, depending on your specific needs and campaign objectives. They serve multiple purposes, including addressing issues and crises, introducing key team members, and generating significant publicity. Our team ensures that every aspect of your press conference is meticulously planned and executed to maximize its impact.

One of the primary benefits of press conferences is their ability to attract media attention and foster strong media relations. By providing a platform for direct interaction with journalists, press conferences enable you to convey your message clearly and accurately. This direct engagement helps build relationships with the media, which can lead to more favorable coverage in the future.

Press conferences are also invaluable for addressing crises or sensitive issues. By bringing together key stakeholders and media representatives, you can present a unified and transparent response to any situation. Our team can assist in preparing spokespersons, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle tough questions and maintain a positive narrative.

When launching a new product, service, or organizational division, press conferences serve as the main promotional vehicle. They provide a platform to showcase your latest offerings to a wide audience, generating excitement and buzz. We help you craft compelling presentations and demonstrations that capture the media’s attention and highlight the unique features of your new initiative.

We understand the importance of monitoring and evaluating the success of your press conference. We track media coverage, analyze the reach and impact of your event, and provide you with detailed reports. This allows you to understand the effectiveness of your press conference and make informed decisions for future events.

One-on-one interviews are an invaluable tool for enhancing your company’s public image and communicating your message effectively. Contrary to common perception, these interviews should not be daunting. In fact, they simplify the process of conveying detailed information about your company to your audience. At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we understand the power of these interviews in creating compelling narratives and fostering a deeper understanding of your business.

One-on-one interviews provide journalists and writers with the opportunity to delve into specifics about you and your company. This in-depth exploration makes the story more comprehensive and engaging for readers. Such interviews offer a wealth of information, addressing any remaining questions and presenting a complete picture of your business. They allow you to articulate your vision, highlight your achievements, and share insights that might not be covered in broader media formats.

These interviews are also an excellent platform to showcase your more casual and approachable side. By engaging in a relaxed and candid conversation, you can humanize your brand and build a stronger connection with your audience. This personal touch can enhance the overall perception of your company, making it more relatable and trustworthy.

Moreover, one-on-one interviews can be utilized to highlight game-changing ideas and innovative concepts. Whether you are introducing a new product, sharing groundbreaking research, or discussing industry trends, these interviews provide the perfect venue to communicate your thought leadership. They allow you to position yourself and your company as pioneers in your field, driving conversations and influencing opinions.

At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we leverage our extensive network of esteemed journalists to facilitate these valuable interactions. We can connect you with the right media professionals for in-depth articles, profile pieces, and balanced coverage that accurately reflects your company’s strengths and aspirations. Our goal is to ensure that your story is told in the most effective and impactful way possible.

We empower those who will speak and act on your behalf through comprehensive spokesperson training. Representing a company effectively requires more than just basic communication skills; it demands a wide vocabulary, quick and analytical thinking, persuasive manners, consistency, and a great deal of confidence.

Being the “face” of a company is a significant responsibility, and even the most seasoned professionals can struggle under pressure. When facing a less-than-receptive media or audience, or when unprepared for unexpected questions, a spokesperson’s confidence and effectiveness can take a hit. Our training programs are designed to ensure that your spokesperson is well-prepared to handle any situation with poise and professionalism.

We begin by helping you create a clear and compelling overall message and strategy. This foundational work ensures that your spokesperson has a strong understanding of the key points that need to be communicated. From there, we focus on the many ways to deliver that message effectively. This includes training on how to maintain consistency in your messaging, use persuasive language, and engage with various types of media.

We understand that effective internal communications are as crucial as external public relations. We believe in the power of transparent, consistent, and open communication within an organization, and we strive to help our clients achieve this same level of internal harmony.

Our firm practices what we preach by maintaining open communication lines both inside and outside our company at all times. We recognize that fostering a culture of open communication is essential for the overall health and success of any organization. It promotes trust, collaboration, and a sense of unity among employees, which ultimately translates into better performance and productivity.

One of our top goals is to help our clients excel internally just as they do in the public eye. We offer a range of services designed to enhance your internal communication strategies, ensuring that your team is aligned, informed, and motivated. This includes developing internal communication plans, crafting clear and consistent messaging, and implementing effective channels for information dissemination.

We understand that every organization is unique, with its own set of challenges and communication needs. That’s why we tailor our internal communication solutions to fit your specific requirements. Whether you need assistance with change management communications, employee engagement initiatives, or leadership communication training, we provide customized strategies that address your unique needs.

At Dominguez Marketing and Communications Inc., we understand that the culmination of a public relations campaign is just the beginning of the most crucial phase: publicity monitoring and valuation. Once the invites, requests, and promotional materials have been sent out, the CEO or spokesperson has delivered their message, the press conference has concluded, and the media have filed their stories, our work is far from over.

This final stage is where we assess the effectiveness of our combined efforts. We meticulously track how many media organizations covered your story, the company, and the campaign. We analyze the reach of these stories, including how many people read or saw them and the volume of feedback or comments they generated from readers or viewers. Our goal is to measure both the quantity and quality of the coverage received.

High-quality stories that accurately and positively represent your brand are just as important as the number of stories. We evaluate the sentiment and tone of the media coverage to ensure it aligns with your PR objectives. By assessing the quality of the coverage, we can determine the overall impact of the campaign on your brand’s reputation and public perception.

Another critical aspect of our service is measuring the impressions and overall value of the media coverage. We quantify how many stories were published, how many impressions were made, and what these measurements translate to in terms of value. This comprehensive evaluation helps us understand the effectiveness of the PR strategy and its contribution to your business goals.

Our evaluation doesn’t stop at media impressions and coverage quality. We also analyze how the campaign impacted your business outcomes. Did the increased visibility translate into additional sales or heightened brand and advocacy awareness? We provide detailed reports that answer these essential questions, showcasing the tangible benefits of the campaign.

Learn what PR Strategy best suits your brand. Call us.