Manila, Philippines, 12 January 2011 – EMC Corporation (NYSE:EMC), the world leader in information infrastructure solutions, today announced that CNAMTS, Intenational Telecommunication Union and Univé have successfully implemented EMC® Documentum® xCP.  As a result, these customers were able to reduce cycle time, improve compliance and promote business agility.

French National Health Insurance Fund for Salaried Workers Improves Service Quality and Reduces Paper Handling Costs

Caisse nationale de l’assurance maladie des travailleurs salariés (CNAMTS) administers the general health insurance plan for the nearly 55 million people who live in France.  As part of its daily activities, CNAMTS exchanges a high volume of information with insured parties, health professionals and employers.  In order to cope with increasing amount of data, it needed to constantly improve the productivity of its workforce by automating as many of the processes as possible.

“This is why CNAMTS decided to launch the most extensive enterprise content management project in French public bodies,” said Patrick Gendre of CNAMTS Information Systems Department.  “Digitization and Automatic Indexing of Documents and Electronic Messages (DIADEME) is an automated production system designed to reduce the amount of paper that the fund handles in its business processes.  With DIADEME, documents can be accessed quickly, shared and consulted simultaneously and information supported by histories and comments.”

DIADEME, which is based on Documentum xCP, automatically classifies and recognizes eight master documents (such as proof of salary and accident declarations) and 10 other types of documents (such as pay slips, hospitalization reports and birth certificates).  Automatic document recognition functions extract certain data, such as social security numbers, which are used to index and route the document.  The document is forwarded via a customizable system of electronic folders which manages the distribution of all pending requests.  Today, 1.25 million pages are digitized and integrated into DIADEME every day.  When the solution is rolled out in full, it will handle 2.75 million pages per day enabling CNAMTS to go paperless, reduce processing times and better workload control resulting in improved service quality.

Leading U.N. Agency Enhances Efficiencies and Compliance

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is the leading United Nations agency for information and communication technology issues and the global focal point for governments and the private sector in developing networks and services.

Prior to implementing Documentum xCP, all incoming and outgoing correspondence was managed via a shared Excel spreadsheet.  There was no way to link content and metadata, track the different processes and follow-up on due dates.  Using Documentum xCP, ITU built a records and information management (RIM) application that allows employees to easily manage their tasks and preserve agency records in electronic format.  Now, ITU can track all incoming and outgoing correspondence at every level of the workflow.  In addition to having a reliable and accurate audit trail, control over documents and processes has improved.

“Since Documentum xCP is role-oriented, its client interface totally fits our users’ needs,” said Michel Manias, Documentum Specialist at ITU.  “It provides really good features for displaying content and metadata.  At the same time, it can be adapted to the needs of the end-user without having to develop any lines of code.”

ITU is currently working on a contract management solution based on Documentum xCP to help its lawyers review and approve contracts.  The solution will allow stakeholders to submit different versions of contracts and manage the review process.

Leading Dutch Insurer Streamlines Claims Processing and Compliance with Regulations

Univé is an insurance company based in the Netherlands with more than 180 satellite offices and about 4.2 million customers.  Originally founded as a non-profit health insurer, Univé changed its mission in 2006 when the Dutch government introduced new legislation that provides every citizen with basic health insurance.  Today, as a partly profit-oriented organization which competes in the challenging market for health and car insurance, Univé is always searching for ways to improve its business processes and provide better service to its customers at a lower cost.

“EMC Documentum xCP has streamlined our claims processses substantially.  Claims adjusters now have access to the documents they need within a few seconds and the incidence of misplaced documents has decreased,” said Pierre Kraakman, business analyst at Univé.  “Since using the xCP-based system, we have reduced costs by approximately 10 percent.”

Documentum xCP has also enabled Univé to strengthen its compliance with external regulations.  The Dutch law stipulates that all bills, letters and contracts have to be retained for seven years.  Documents relating to corporate-level decisions from the Board of Directors have to be kept for 10 years.  Certain medical files must not be deleted for 15 years after an employee has left the company.  With EMC Documentum Retention Policy Services, Univé can automatically keep track of how long it needs to store the different types of documents and when to clean up the files.

By the end of the year, Univé plans to add Web content management and SharePoint integration services enabling users to log in to the Univé Web portal.  Insured persons will be able to access their personal data and check the current status of their case.

EMC Documentum xCP Overview

Documentum xCP is a platform for case management solutions which unites business process management, enterprise content management, document and data capture, customer communications and records management technologies.  As an applications development platform, Documentum xCP enables organizations to build solutions using pre-built components, graphical design interfaces and configurable business logic.  By minimizing the need for writing code, customers and partners are able to build case management applications faster, with less development risk and with fewer resources.  The platform also allows organizations to significantly reduce the total cost of ownership by delivering applications that are easier to modify and maintain.

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About EMC

EMC Corporation (NYSE: EMC) is the world’s leading developer and provider of information infrastructure technology and solutions that enable organizations of all sizes to transform the way they compete and create value from their information. Information about EMC’s products and services can be found at

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* Formerly Content Management and Archiving Division