(November 24, 2010, Makati City) – Publicly listed online gaming publisher IP e-Game Ventures Inc., (IP E-Games; PSE: EG), is proud to announce the first e-Games Guild Congress aimed at bringing together various guilds of RAN Online, CABAL Online, Dragonica Philippines and Runes of Magic and recognize them for their valued contributions to the online gaming community.

The e-Games Guild Congress also seeks to legitimize the guilds and honor their member’s contributions for the development of their chosen games.

Heidi Mendita-Garayblas, VP for e-Games’ MMOG titles said that the idea for the Guild congress was originally developed for RAN Online’s guilds. She said that the IP e-Games realized that Guild Congress should encompass not just RAN, but other e-Games MMO titles as well.

“Expanding the Guild Congress was a natural evolution for the original idea. These guilds, regardless of the e-Games title they are playing, contributed tremendously to the growth of the whole e-Games community, and we are thankful to each and every one of them,” Garayblas said.

Guild leaders can register their guilds via the Guild Congress website (http://guildcongress.e-games.com.ph/). The Guild Congress website will incorporate more features in the future such as guild rankings per server, featured guilds, video interviews and more.

Guild Congress members shall be given access to exclusive IP e-Games content, such as sneak peeks at upcoming patches and the opportunity to be included in the pool of selected beta testers for new updates to existing games and new titles. These participating guilds will also be given the chance to get special in-game exp bonuses, costumes and events.

e-Games’ Guild Congress is geared for the long run and plans for quarterly guild eyeball (EB) parties.  Guild-specific events are already underway as well. Miguel Bauza, VP for e-Games’ Marketing, says “This event, tailored especially for guilds and their members, is our way of thanking them for their continued support in helping build and maintaining our community.    There will be more Guild Congress activities and events in the future, especially with Road to Domination V and Domination V coming in”.

The celebration hosted live tournaments and offline activities for RAN Online, CABAL Online, Dragonica and Runes of Magic guilds. Aside from these activities, there will also be raffles, entertainment and performances from alternative rock band Sugar Hiccup, popular rock band Mayonnaise and popular singing girl group, Pop Girls.

The event was also the venue for the fourth anniversary launch eyeball for the players of the  country’s #1 casual game, Audition Dance Battle, published by IP e-Games’ casual games division, X-Play Online Games Inc. (X-Play) Audistas (Audition Dance Battle players) will also have their own set of  great activities.  For more detailed information about e-Games’ Guild Congress, you can log on to http://guildcongress.e-games.com.ph/

IP E-Game Ventures Inc. (IP e-Games):

IP E-Game Ventures Inc. (IP e-Games) is a publicly listed company in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE: EG) which operates the online gaming business of technology conglomerate IPVG Corp. (PSE: IP). IP e-Games is ranked as the leading online games publisher in the Philippines and holds top MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) titles such as RAN Online, CABAL Online, and Presidential Award recipient Korean game Granado Espada. Other games include high-fantasy MMORPG Runes of Magic and Korean adventure games such as Dragonica and Nostale Online. The casual games of IP E-Games are published under X-Play Online Games Inc. (X-Play), a joint venture company between IP E-Games and GMA New Media Inc. (GMA NMI), the digital arm of GMA Network Inc. (GMA7). X-Play publishes the no.1 online dance game Audition Dance Battle, MMO First person shooter OP7, online rhythm game Bandmaster, and online videoke game Superstar.  IP E-Games strategic minority investors include the Philippine Star Group and E-Store Exchange (an affiliate of GMA7). For more information, visit www..e-games.com.ph