Dear Periscope Community,


Today marks one year since we released Periscope to the world. We’ve come a long way since then and we have you, our community, to thank.


We’re proud of what we’ve built together and we’re excited to share just how far we’ve come. As of today, over 200 million broadcasts have been created on Periscope and over 110 years of live video are watched every day on iOS and Android* (Read more here about why we value “Time Watched” as a metric).


For everyone who joined us along the way, we hope this reaffirms that you are a part of something bigger. Thank you for making Periscope a vibrant global community – it means everything to us.


Filipinos have embraced Periscope over the past year as live video broadcasts have become part of your community:


The @EatBulaga producers did a live Periscope broadcast from the Philippine Arena before the #AlDubEBTamangPanahon charity concert show, giving fans an exclusive preview of the venue on October 24, 2015. The producers and stars also talked to their fans from the green room backstage exclusively on Periscope.

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@COMELEC Chairperson Juan Andres Bautista @ChairAndyBau held a Twitter-hosted Q&A using the #AskCOMELEC hashtag on January 30, 2016. During the discussion, the public asked their questions to the election commission ranging from campaign protocols and system improvements to election registration.  To enhance the level and quality of interaction during the Q&A, Bautista also utilized Periscope to answer questions via the live video format. 

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On February 3, 2016, popular Australian rock band 5 Seconds of Summer (@5SOS) spiced up the music entertainment world by having their very own #Ask5SOS takeover of @LiveNation’s Periscope account to answer questions from their fans, including many Filipinos who joined the live video broadcast.

Cheers to a great first year!


Much love,

Team Periscope

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* Time Watched represents the total amount of time spent watching live broadcasts on Periscope for iOS & Android. It does not include time spent watching through Periscope broadcasts in Twitter, on the web at, or replays.


Media Relations Contact:

Dickson Seow               Sheila Rada
Twitter Asia Pacific        Dominguez Marketing Communications Inc
@dseowtwtr                 +63 918 902 0722

Dominguez Marketing Communications Inc., is the official PR Agency of Twitter in the Philippines.