Philippine Institute for Supply Management shares initiatives to help local practitioners become more globally competitive

Photo shows PISM Vice President for Events and Conferences Mariel Zamora, CPSM discussing the first Regional SupplyLink 2012 that will be staged this April 2012.

Philippine Institute for Supply Management (PISM), the country’s premier association for supply management professionals, today shares the organization’s initiatives to help raise local practitioners’ become more globally competitive.

Originating in 1968, PISM has always been driven in providing an arena for local supply management practitioners to initiate conversations and collaborations, which will ultimately push for their individual and industry-wide excellence. To ensure a holistic approach in driving excellence in the industry, PISM also founded an advocacy arm via Foundation of the Society of Fellows in Supply Management (SOFSM).

“Over the years, PISM has been dedicated in providing current and future supply management professionals with the means to achieve their respective business goals successfully and efficiently,” says PISM President Ricky Sison.

Stakeholder Events

Every year, PISM has been staging its annual SupplyLink Conference and Exhibit with the aim to strengthen local practitioners’ ties among one another and more importantly, to impart the latest methods, tools and trends about and within the supply management discipline.

This year, PISM will stage the biggest installment of SupplyLink as it goes international.  SupplyLink 2012, which will be held on 19-20 April at SMX, SM MOA complex, will bring together the leading purchasing, logistics, demand and replenishment and customer service executives and practitioners locally and within Asia-Pacific, as well as other supply management professionals from Sweden, London and Australia among others.

Academic Initiatives

PISM and SOFSM have successfully introduced Supply Management as a 4-year college degree course in the academe. Academic linkages were established with known universities and colleges in the country, which now offer both undergraduate course and Diploma Program in Supply Management.

Scholarship grants are also given to the less privileged but deserving students taking up Supply Management course at the University of Makati and Jose Rizal University. In fact, PISM will be holding a Run and Raise Scholars on April 15 to raise fund for SOFSM/PISM scholars in supply management with the University of Makati and Jose Rizal University. The event will also serve as the kick-off for this year’s SupplyLink.

Business Intelligence

The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is a “nowcasting” tool designed to estimate economic trends and complement standard economic indicators, such as the GDP that require three to six months to finalize. It is a response to the need of economic policy makers and business decision makers for timely, high quality, internationally compatible economic data for planning and decision making. There are currently 26 countries worldwide that produce PMI.  Philippines is among the 26 countries, six countries of which are from Asia. PMI Philippines is conducted by PISM through its advocacy arm SOFSM.

Industry Recognitions

Alongside SupplyLink, PISM and SOFSM awards Gawad Sinop, the industry’s most prestigious award, to a Filipino practitioner/professional in supply management industry who has exhibited outstanding achievements in the practice of Supply Management.  It likewise gives special recognition to organizations who have exhibited excellent supply management practices.

PISM and its advocacy arm is always driven to continue pursuing these initiatives and innovate other ways to encourage and push for best practices in the local supply management industry. “We are optimistic that the organization will positively and effectively contribute to our member companies’ success and to the country’s global competitiveness by raising the practitioners to the highest ethical and world-class standards,” concludes Sison.


About PISM

PISM was founded in 13 November 1968 as a non-stock, non-profit organization. Its main purpose is to provide a forum where Supply Management executives can meet to network professionally, discuss, find and share business solutions to common operational challenges and strategic issues confronting their businesses and/or those of the national economy.


The Foundation of the Society of Fellows in Supply Management, Inc. (SOFSM) the advocacy arm of the Philippine Institute for Supply Management is a non-profit organization founded in May 2006.  It is composed of both practicing and seasoned supply management executives imbued with a strong spirit of volunteerism and driven by a common desire to help elevate the expertise and status of a Filipino business and industry in the field of Supply Management.