
Safetica Technologies has launched sales of its flagship DLP/monitoring software in the Philippines in partnership with Valueline Systems and Solutions Corporation.

Safetica 5 is the only Data Loss Prevention solution that protects companies from the risks of a data breach caused by the human factor.

The human factor – accidental or malicious actions by people inside an organization – is the primary cause of data leaks. While threats from external threats such as hackers and malware get the media attention, Ponemon Research calculated the threats from insiders topped external risks by a 4:1 ratio, with 80% of all threats to data security coming from inside a company and only 20% from external sources.

“Safetica focuses on the 80% – the  insider security threats that traditional firewalls and antivirus  solutions ignore. We’ve built Safetica with the human factor in mind and this directly influences how it goes about protecting and monitoring the use of company data,” said Pavel Kratky, CTO of Safetica Technologies.

Safetica protects data via its endpoint client installed on workstation computers, securing data on individual computers and the company network. From this position, Safetica covers all channels through which data can escape such as emails, printers, and memory sticks.

Safetica’s unique DLP sandbox technology protects data use by all applications, guarding against leaks without requiring system administers to add specific services or protocols for coverage and substantially simplifying the installation process.

Safetica’s ability to monitor and control activities at the endpoint computer level enables companies to detect and avert security threats at an early stage. “By looking at user activities such as unusual data access and collection, Safetica can help identify high-risk cases. In addition, discovering unsecure data handling processes or restricting unproductive internet use pays benefits in the long run,” added Mr. Kratky.

Safetica is stepping into the Philippines together with Valueline Systems and Solutions Corporation, a leading technology solutions provider for companies ranging from large enterprises down to small businesses.

“We see substantial potential here in the Philippines with local businesses focused on the growing internal market and with companies in the international arena where data protection is a condition of doing business. Valueline has an extensive track record of providing comprehensive services and we look forward to working with them as we provide clients with the best possible data protection,” explained Mr. Kratky.